dinsdag 31 maart 2015

Segers Employment agency

We've talked about what kind of company we are going to make a commercial for.
We decided to call it Segers, to screw with Jasper and because it sounds very formal and fitting for a company like an employment agency.

Next step is to think about the commercial. In class we were taught about advertising; what is our target audience? What message do we want to get across? What would draw these people to our company?

We decided on a concept for the commercial also, we want to utilize the emotional aspect by showing people that it's important to earn money to take care of their families for example, since our target audience is people that need jobs and this should encourage them to get a job, of course with the help of our company.

The idea of our commercial is a young girl who wants some ice cream, but sadly, her dad has no money to buy it for her because he has no job. Then our company helps the dad finding a job, simultaneously providing some information about Segers for the audience. The commercial ends with dad, happy that he is able to buy his little girl a very very big icecream.

D2G - 74320

Week 3 (Brainstorm session 2)

Today we have learned is how we can target our advertisment to the people that our company is designed for.
(source (de Kam) Kam, de J.H. (2014) the process of advertising [PowerPoint slides]).

this knowledge has given us the idea on what our advertisment should be about and what kind of commercial it will be. as Michelle has shown in her blog post you can read in short what our advert will be about, this will primarly be a light commercial that is easily understandable for most people and that is our target as well, to reach those who are undergraduated and searching for a job.

Target audience: Low-skilled people
What makes our commercial atractive: Simple humor and love

(source: Michelle Lipman Brainstorm session .2)

Brainstorm session .2

 What we have learned  from today's lecture about advertising. When you want to advertise your product there are a few steps you will have to take before bringing it out in public.
Most important is that you know what message you want to bring out and the market behavior of your target audience.

(de Kam)
Kam, de J.H. (2014) the process of advertising [PowerPoint slides]

We also had a little brainstorm about the commercial we have to make. Our basic idea: the commercial starts with a little girl walking with her dad. The little girl really wants some ice cream, but the daddy has no money because he has no job. Then our company Segers comes to the rescue and helps the dad with getting a job. At the end, the dad has enough money for some ice cream for his little girl. He buys her the biggest ice cream he can get her, to let her know that he loves her and would do anything for her.

Target audience: Low-skilled people
What makes our commercial atractive: Simple humor and love

dinsdag 24 maart 2015


We have decided to name our company 'Segers' because it sounds professional and trustable. We help people to get a job that really fits them.

Our slogan is: 'Go get it!'
This slogan is memorable, short and catchy so people will remember it and it refers back to what we 'sell'.

Our idiomatic expression is: 'Piece of cake'
With this idiomatic expression we tell people it is an easy job for us to get you a job. Because that's what our company does.

We are now talking about what  we want to send out to the people in our commercial. Are we going to be really formal, informal. What is our target audience.
When we have this all figured out we can create a strong commercial
Piece of cake, this is our idiomatic expression wich means: A job, task or other activity that is easy or simple. 

we talked about why our company/employment agency will be named Segers. Because we felt that the name Segers is a formal name and is easily recognizable for the most people. we talked about what kind of atmosphere the company has. Wether it is a formal or non formal company this way we could decide wether the commercial will be formal or is supposed to make people laugh.

woensdag 18 maart 2015



Last week we had our introduction of the first lesson of English from this semester.
It was very interesting.

We learned what plagiarism is and what the consequences are depending on how important and how obvious the assignment is you stole something for. We got to look at a chart which indicated your level of seriousness with questions you could only reply to with yes and no.

What I learned about plagiarism is that you should always be careful before ripping someones copyrighted works, and that plagiarism is not a crime but an insult to hardworking people. It wont get you in jail but it will have some serious consequences.

In this semester we are gonna learn a lot about plagiarism, what it is, when something is plagiarism, what is copyright, and how do you gain it, whether you can sell it and what happens to your copyright when you die.

Personally I'd rather make Studiemeter all day, but I hope I can learn something from this.

D2G - 74320

Plagiarisme, Fair use, copyright and paraphrasing

What I've learned about plagiarism is that this is a crime and you commit this crime quickly without your knowledge. You always have to give credit to your resources, then you can call it fair use. When you commit the crime plagiarism there are consequences.

When you're paraphrasing you're saying something you've found elsewhere in a different way. Now you still have to mention your resources because it is just restating another persons idea in your own words.

You gain copyright the minute you've created something with your own mind and imagination automatically. Copyright lasts a lifetime plus 75 years after that.

What I want to achieve in this English lessons is more knowledge about how to prevent plagiarism.

What would I like to achieve at the end of this semester? (Tessa)

1. Knowing what plagiarism is, how it’s done and how it can be prevented.
2. Complete the exercise and finish the blog.

Tessa achievement week 1

What have I learned about plagiarism:

Claiming someone’s work as their own, for example; get a picture/drawing from the internet, erase the signature and add your own.

Taking parts of their own previous work without adding sources. Obviously you’ll need sources to tell it’s your own, even if it’s your own previous work.

Re-writing someone’s work without properly telling the sources. This happens so many times, I’ve had this happen as well. It’s not great.

Using quotes, but not telling the source. “
You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else”. You have no idea from who this is from, huh? It’s annoying, isn’t it?

Plagiarism happens any where, any time. You’ve done it too, I’ve done it too.

3 Good & 3 bad commercials

By: all of our group.

Good commercials:

Commercial 1:
What is being advertised: The brand Nike™
How does it attract you: It is a calm ad and it makes you curios
What details are provided: it gives you a motivation
How does it make the product desirable: that sporting makes you able to do great things
What is said to make the urge to buy it bigger: its not being said but by watching it is gives you motivation to start with bettering your life yourself by buying Nike™ products to sport.
What visual techniques are used to engage you: not many but a calm mood that gives the video a more relax feel to it
How does music/audio engage the viewer: a calm and steady voice that speaks a good speech.
Would this commercial influence you to buy the product: it would influence me to better my life and if sporting is part of it, then I would buy Nike™ sport clothing.

Commercial 2:
What is being advertised: KPN Mobile
How does it attract you: Because it is funny
What details are provided: Not a lot it just tells you why KPN makes phones that adapt to modern day use of mailing
How does it make the product desirable: because you like the commercial and it makes it fun and exceptional
What is said to make the urge to buy it bigger: nothing
What visual techniques are used to engage you: Easy to understand commercial
How does music/audio engage the viewer: None
Would this commercial influence you to buy the product: well it is funny I would not be influenced to buy it

Commercial 3:
What is being advertised: Old Spice
How does it attract you: It is funny
What details are provided: None
How does it make the product desirable: It makes it funny and thats what sells well
What is said to make the urge to buy it bigger: because it can make you smell very nice...
What visual techniques are used to engage you: none
How does music/audio engage the viewer: none but the man speaks a funny text and thats what make people laugh.
Would this commercial influence you to buy the product: no because it can not be bought here but if I found it in a store I would

Bad Commercials:
Link1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ufrTjEY5dU
Link2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqnHtGgVAUELink3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qE7fZf9ret8

Commercial 1:
What is being advertised: Esurance
How does it attract you: it does not because it makes a character redicioules while in the series it was a good character wich was serious
What details are provided: none
How does it make the product desirable: because a famous actor plays in it it makes it a little more fun and attractive
What is said to make the urge to buy it bigger: none
What visual techniques are used to engage you: none
How does music/audio engage the viewer: none but the same text is being used as in the television series.
Would this commercial influence you to buy the product: no

Commercial 2:
What is being advertised: Saul Goodman attorney at law
How does it attract you: not...
What details are provided: why you need his help.
How does it make the product desirable: nothing except for the fact that it is hilarious
What is said to make the urge to buy it bigger: nothing
What visual techniques are used to engage you: bad examples of why you need a attorney
How does music/audio engage the viewer: not...
Would this commercial influence you to buy the product: no...

Commercial 3:
What is being advertised: Budweiser beer
How does it attract you: not
What details are provided: none 
How does it make the product desirable: because it is a so called "funny commercial" it makes it more attractive
What is said to make the urge to buy it bigger: none
What visual techniques are used to engage you: the dogs do smart tricks
How does music/audio engage the viewer: none
Would this commercial influence you to buy the product: no

woensdag 11 maart 2015

English Week 1

I haven't been here last week so I missed the ever so important introduction lesson, so I wasn't quite sure what the plan was for this period.... silly me:S.
I've read the reader by now and I have some idea of what were going to do. Do assignments and document what you have learned. I am slowly slowly starting to understand, the importance of documenting your progress, since it is a good way of making sure the lessons you've learned stick.
So what I learned about plagiarism is that plagiarism isn't necessarily a crime, as it is more of an ethical insult. Once you plagiarize trying to get commercial gain from it you are committing a felony.
This period I will learn a lot about plagiarism, trademarks, copyright, which is going to be really useful, since I am going to be working in a creative industry in a few years. Always look out when you are making a mood board and look for reference material, that you don't get too close to the original work. Sometimes this is a bit of a difficult situation since all creativity is is putting together known elements. To how far of an extend you do that is what makes this difficult, but really just a skill to learn.

ENG2D Niels Schippers (First week assignment)

What did we do the first week & what do I hope to learn.   (Week1)

By: Niels Schippers

The first week we talked about plagiarism and what it is and what you can do about it.
We also looked at when is something plagiarism and when is something to call yours.
We also talked about when and how you can get copyrights to your work, copyrights are yours whenever you have created something original and does not use any material made by others. for instance if I have drawn something that is fully created by me by my own imagination than I can call it my own and I have automatically copyrights to my work this does not have to be wrote down like in a license.

And what I want to learn from this module is what are good and what are bad commercials and what can you do to not make any mistakes so you can make a good and convincing commercial.

D2G - 74952