woensdag 11 maart 2015

ENG2D Niels Schippers (First week assignment)

What did we do the first week & what do I hope to learn.   (Week1)

By: Niels Schippers

The first week we talked about plagiarism and what it is and what you can do about it.
We also looked at when is something plagiarism and when is something to call yours.
We also talked about when and how you can get copyrights to your work, copyrights are yours whenever you have created something original and does not use any material made by others. for instance if I have drawn something that is fully created by me by my own imagination than I can call it my own and I have automatically copyrights to my work this does not have to be wrote down like in a license.

And what I want to learn from this module is what are good and what are bad commercials and what can you do to not make any mistakes so you can make a good and convincing commercial.

D2G - 74952

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