woensdag 18 maart 2015



Last week we had our introduction of the first lesson of English from this semester.
It was very interesting.

We learned what plagiarism is and what the consequences are depending on how important and how obvious the assignment is you stole something for. We got to look at a chart which indicated your level of seriousness with questions you could only reply to with yes and no.

What I learned about plagiarism is that you should always be careful before ripping someones copyrighted works, and that plagiarism is not a crime but an insult to hardworking people. It wont get you in jail but it will have some serious consequences.

In this semester we are gonna learn a lot about plagiarism, what it is, when something is plagiarism, what is copyright, and how do you gain it, whether you can sell it and what happens to your copyright when you die.

Personally I'd rather make Studiemeter all day, but I hope I can learn something from this.

D2G - 74320

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